Why Greeks Are Rooting for Brexit Part Two
Current ‘Migrant’ issue a made up nightmare for the peoples and societies

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs New Democracy Varvitsiotis:
‘Let them understand those in areas that don’t receive migrants that we have the means in imposing them’!
It’s beyond doubt that Kiriakos Mitsotakis – like his predecessors – (political parties as politics no longer exist) is just carrying out orders. Essentially orders from George Soros and the supranational economic elite who from their end are promoting with every means available globalisation and the dominance of markets on the peoples and their states.
Their activities are being supported primarily from the NGO Solidarity Now which is a sub section of the Open Society Foundations of the boss George Soros and founded in Greece in 2012 with a declared interest in ‘funding the activities primarily of refugees’, From then in 2012 in Davos he had announced his plans for Greece and they implemented them (in the presence of a big cheerleaders in the form of A Papandreou). https://www.tovima.gr/…/prwtoboylia-tzortz-soros-gia-tin-e…/
The composition of the aforementioned NGO leaves no room for doubt.
President of Solidarity Now
Stelios Zavvos (George Soros was best man who married St Zavvo and Sofia Doxiadi in June 2004 and his brothers George Zavvos deputy Minister of the Economy in Mitsotakis New Democracy Governemnt)
George Zavvos is a Greek American economist ‘founder and international adviser of Zeus Capital Managers Ltd a company which manages private capital and the development of property and infrastructure and is considered one of the great university teachers like Nouriel Roubini or John Stiglitz or John Paulson. Paulson bought at rock bottom prices the bankrupt banks Alpha and Piraues and alongside purchasing Piraues bank he acquired the Agrotiki Bank and 10% of the shares of EYDAP (water company) – one of the crimes of the coalition government ND-PASOK-Dimar in July 2012. In relation to selling them to John Paulson from my article in 2014 this is considered to be a National Betrayal »"... https://olympia.gr/…/%CE%B9%CF%83%CF%84%CE%BF%CF%81%CE%B9%…/
General Directorship
Antigoni Limberaki (new arrival in 2019)
-nephew of Konstantinou Mitsotaki sister from his sister Artemisia, extreme neoliberal ex- MP for Potamia. Chosen as the Mitsotakis clan was about to take power.
Giannis Boutaris (new member 2018 ex Thessaloniki Mayer Skopjian Promoter)
Nikos Aliviziatis
Aristos Doxiadis
Nikiforos Diamantouros
Manos Matsagannis
Chris Rozakis
Anna Triantafillidou (Researcher at ELIAMEP-Greek Institute for European and International Affairs and a Lecturer specialising in the Sociology of Immigration and Immigration Policy in the area of nationalism etc.)
These names we find in all the decisions in support of anti-national positions and the world government proposals of the supranational economic elite:
1. In support of the politics of Open Borders of free migrant flows, which serve mainly the NGO Solidariy Now a subsection of the Open Society of George Soros
2. In support of the Troika
3. In support of revising history (Liakos, Repousi, Dragonas, Dimou, Koulouri, Koppa, Vermeis etc.)
4. In support of the measures of imposing a regime of a new middle ages for labour (they all take part in the forums Flexicurity and then was the ex-Minister of Education Anna Diamantopoulou – Bilderburg)
5. In support of granting the name Macedonia to Skopje
6. In support to the Kofi Annan peace plan for Cyprus
The same people make up organisations like ELIAMEP and one of the founders was the Lecturer Thanos Veremis the creator of the 1821 film on Skai TV with the deceiving titles ‘The Birth of a Nation’ and the Centre for Democracy and Conciliation in Southeastern Europe (CDRSEE) which is based in Thessaoliniki which is funded by the Open Society Foundations of Soros (look at who makes this organisation up; Matthew Nimitz US Racconteur for the Skopjian issue, George David who was for years President of the Greek Bottling Company (3E, Coca Cola) a member of the organising committee of Bilderberg etc.
The EU and various organisation like the UN Refugee Agency in total cooperation with the ‘humanitaria/solidarity’ NGOs which make tonnes of money function as gangmasters, create and finance migrant flows with open statements of their motives and aims for all those who don’t want to be duped.
The infiltration of the political personnel of Greece from the ‘philanthropic’ actions of George Soros are almost complete. The Syriza camp as well as ND, the ex-Mayors of Athens and Thessaloniki were some of the best lackeys of Soros system
Today’s Issues
As the migrant issue in today’s current form is directed and created by the ruling economic elite, not for the good of the people who receive them, it must be confronted with the relative respect and seriousness. In Greece we must all understand that the problem is not only an issue of humanism. That we should take the necessary measures to confront this crisis.
We must first of all accept that this country cannot accept these migrant waves which are made up by peoples of a different civilizational basis and a completely different cultural prototype and a different religious upbringing. We must all understand that ‘multiculturalism’ which is being advertised from the hidden-open centres which advertise it isn’t civilisation, as civilisation means osmosis and not violent imposition of one prototype on another. Neither does multiculturalism equal ghettoes and ‘refugee migrant reception centres’ which constitute modern concentration camps. It’s not possible for the country to become a destination of millions of impoverished people who have been done over and are now suffering the dissolution of their societies. The end result wont be new multicultural societies but the eventual dissolution of those societies, which today have to defend something, that which the mafias of money want to abolish.
We must add to those citizens of ours who on the one hand are motivated by idealism and humanitarian ideals, feelings of solidarity and fondness towards migrants and refugees and on the other cannot ignore the fact that this country is accepting a tremendous pressure and it is natural for a large part of the domestic population to feel insecurity and a threat. It’s unjustified and criminal for the masses to become tools in the plans of the powerful and to take things out against each other. This crime is being perpetrated by all those who express themselves in an undermining way and in a rude fashion labelling them fascists and racists. Greece and Greeks have proven a long time before that they a country which is friendly to newcomers. They can’t be doing it in such a light manner condemning the majority of their compatriots into being racists and fascists. The impression created by a dumb section of the so-called ‘solidarity’ brigade who criticise anything that has a relationship with Greece and is Greek, with degrading phrases like ‘pseudo-patriots’ and that foreigners will arrive to destroy our pseudo civilisation and other such cheap shots assuming they gain prestige of progressivism undermining those next to them and their own people. We don’t have anything to defend from anyone. We must try to stop this pointless endless and without justification particular elitism. We must also understand that in the migrant waves there are many people that have absolute need and our support.
The issue should therefore be studied deeply and conclusively and to have a distinction between refugees and migrants and those that require asylum. In this category are the children of the families with asylum. Then those who belong to the disabled categories, who come from real war zones or are real political refugees etc. All those who belong to these categories and after selective percentages should be welcome in the country as long as they accept the laws and the responsibilities that accrue and they are in agreement to respect the cultural prototype of the country they reside in. From the rest another section should be forwarded to other European countries or repatriated to the country they entered in illegally ie. Turkey.
After this whoever wants to play this without a danger or responsibility that they are ‘humanitarians’ (criticising the other that we aren’t) to inform us if there is a level of migration which a country can accept. If we remind them that our population is around 11 million and is getting less and that migrants originate from around 80 countries, some of which have around 200 million souls or 100 or 50 million. Is there a limit which this country can accept for the extreme ‘humanitarians’ or do they believe its no importance its just about let anyone in, it will become for all of us who believe that we have something in this place worth defending a cassus belli something worth defending via war. We are the overwhelming majority and we won’t allow our country to be erased
Finally: Either we wil all turn against our rulers, for centuries exploiters and current traffickers which create so much misery and uprooting for these co-compatriots or the future which is being prepared by our rulers will be deadly for us and migrants alike.
P Demetriou
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