The EU's multifaceted war against Greece and its people spanned most of the last decade when this small European country with less than 2% GDP of the Eurozone was blamed for all and sundry and was penalised in a most brutal way having their banking system taken out by the ECB and its population reduced to the twin evils of abject penury and enforced emigration. The cataclysmic shock of the early part of the 2010 decade which saw mass redundancies, hospital collapsed, thousands of suicides and pensioners scavenging in dustbins to survive has been overtaken by the open border policies of the ruling oligarchs who have set as their aim the mass replacement of the native Greek population.
When thousands occupied the squares in almost every Greek city and thousands protested the IMF the whole planet heard the issues at stake and Grexit became globally known. Would the Euro implode, would Brussels allow Greece to go back to a national currency and devalue or would it crush it like a fly ensuring it had the greatest GDP collapse of any semi-developed state not in an actual state of war for the longest period ever? By collapsing wages and pensions by 50% and ensuring unemployment reached the apocalyptic official levels of 30% and youth unemployment of 60% the Troika (IMF-ECB- EU) ensured that the mad hatter policies emanating out of Brussels were used like the bogeyman is used to little children to get them to do something they don’t like. But here it was for the whole of Europe. Greece became the flagbearer not only of everything wrong with the EU but the sacrificial lamb in a perpetual psychological war by the msm to prove resistance was futile.
Despite all the general strikes (over 30) despite all the occupations of city squares (over 50 cities) despite the rise of what was termed the ‘radical left’ in the form of Syriza-Tsipras (Greek version of Corbyn) not only wasn’t anything gained or really achieved apart from it becoming worse and Greeks retreating into a tiny shell of their former selves, blaming themselves for their misfortunes and their inability to break out of the impasse and to crown it all, the ruling elites in coordination with the EU embarked in 2015 with a programme of mass replacement migration, which they labelled a ‘refugee crisis’ which was anything but.

Once Bitten Twice Shy
Initially the hyperglobalist media whose interests represent the non-taxed based offshore corporations that rule the world sold the mass migrant movements as being to do with ‘refugees fleeing wars’ when it was nothing of the sort. No amount of questioning this evidence even when FRONTEX registered 77 nationalities arriving in Greece would lead to anything other than being labelled a nazi, a racist or a xenophobe. This obviously meant that no one could question or indeed feel able to publically express themselves against what was going on as the msm had an agenda which they would play over and over on the networks in the media, on the radio and a global Orwellian information blackout was created to censure all opposing views. Only those who supported globalism were given the airtime of publicity and this omerta holds strong even till today.
But as always using villagers on an isolated part of a Greek island ie Lesvos to sell this narrative worked in its initial phases, but as time went on and the full practical effects of hyperglobalism came to be seen, from occupying farmlands, from mass lootings, from physical violence up to and including death and torture of the older generation and women in particular in rape and sexual assaults the tide turned the other war giving way to a new breed of anger elements of which we saw early on in 2015.
Example of Kos
Kos became a tourist island but was targeted by the migrant traffickers as a landing post for migrant blow ins right in the middle of the tourist season whereby, afroasian migrants would suddenly arrive in tourist spots and occypy all areas as if they owned them. The locals sensing this would destroy them for good reacted and resisted this and started to protest. Athens immediately sensing this may give a lead to other areas in the only way it knows best. Sent riot police to go and crack heads open which they duly did, mothers with children and pensioners were teargassed and clubbed for not wanting their areas to be turned into a migrant free for all where people eat shit and piss on the streets and turn the areas they are in into a carbon copy from the shitholes they arrived from.
Under most circumstances the citizens would have lost as they did with all the protests in the first 4 years of 2010, but not everything always goes according to plan. The situation spiralled out of control reaching the stage when the locals threatened the Athenian gendarmerie with reprisals if the continued with the gung ho attitude. The Defence Minister at the time had also arrived at the island and was pelted with eggs and was whisked away. The impasse ended when the riot police were holed up in the hotel they were staying in, the locals fired real ammunition above the hotel and ship flares lighting up the place in the dark. The Chief of the Riot police phoned the local army base and asked for the army to intervene which they duly refused. Frightened like the rats they were, they left the island with the tail between their legs.
A significant but important defeat had occurred for which the Defence Minister went on record to state we know who the 2-3 families are who are leading this campaign. Having been able to win, Kos islanders saved as best they could their tourist industry which would have collapsed otherwise. Other places were unsuccessful ie. the small island of Chios or the much larger Lesvos (which became the flag bearer of every globalist politician that flew there to promote it like Dianne Abbot.
As a consequence of the over 1.5 million new migrant arrivals throughout the latter part of 2015 and 2016 they revealed their plan which was to create migrant arrival centres in as many places as they could in the 13 regional prefectures of Greece, to acquire housing to rent out, private hotels and to occupy government buildings for this aim. Over 30 odd government premises were occupied in Athens by NGO’s and if you complained they dragged you through the court system like lickspittle presstitute Paul Mason from Channel Four did to Greeks when he interviewed them over migration.
Since 2016 when I wrote the following book:
Mass Replacement Migration: The Example of Greece
much has changed and much has duly circulated regarding who these alleged refugees are and what their role is. Most people via their own life experience have worked out a new surplus army of parasitical labour has arrived on our shores with the sole purpose of replacing the locals and erasing Greece as a nation state off the map and turning it into just a region of the EU where Greeks allegedly live.
The Importance of Brexit
Just as in 1940 when Greeks beat back Mussolini in the first actual defeat of the Axis powers in war and gave a psychological boost to all the nations that they could achieve the impossible even when everything was lost, the Brexit referendum was announced in the middle of 2016 with the rallying cry of ‘Taking Back Control’ and was won. The first significant rupture by a major player of the EU had occurred just when everyone thought the game was over, Greece was crushed, Grexit buried under the capital controls imposed on Greek banks by the ECB and that the EU Empire would go on expanding encompassing Turkey, North Africa and eventually the whole continents of Africa and Asia hence the constant arrivals of citizens from those areas so we would get a taste of things to come, get accustomed to them and embrace them.
But subsequently with the rise of Trump, Orban in Hungary and Salvini in Italy it wasn’t meant to be. The hyperglobalist narrative started to have gaping holes in it. Suddenly borders became a nation, the existence of nations a discussion point and philosophical debates ensued as to how all these endless hordes would fit, how would they assimilate and how would they be financed. The tide had turned and suddenly a new narrative appeared on the scene one that questioned the role of mass replacement migration, one that started to raise the issue of repatriation and expulsion words which were buried in the 1970s.
The whole of the Greek political class railed against Brexit first by pretending that the people of the UK would vote to Remain then gleefully predicting it would never happen when the shenanigans continued in the Tory Party postponing one departure after another. Just as the media controlled the narrative people turned to seek answers for themselves whereby a majority of feeling was that they were trying to stall it but it would occur nevertheless occur sensing that the EU was finally on the retreat with the belief recounted many times to myself, that the UK isn’t Greece, they don’t have the Euro and if they set themselves on a path it’s difficult to change their minds or for them to take orders.

What Germany didn’t achieve during WW1 and 2 they thought they would be lucky a third time round and achieve via they EU and so having a sense of history they started with the country that set up barriers last time, lilliputian Greece. In this venture they had ready made politicians the same families that ran Greece before the war and during it, those that collaborated with the 3rd Reich so the transition to the 4th was relatively smooth, but they obviously lost on the impact it would have on the British population which came to the defence of Greece not via the so-called ‘solidarity’ committees that sprung up but by voting for Brexit. That was the best defence of the Greek nation imaginable and it opened up pandoras box that another way is possible and the unraveling of the EU was within our reach.
VN Gelis
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