This aint an invasion, so what is it?
Ministry of Interior
"the laws we have passed regarding blasphemy have been made to defend all those downtrodden people who for whatever reason have ended up in Greece's mainland and are being pressurrised by extremists who are showing their bad self"
Notopoulos ex Syriza Minister
There is no limit to the acceptance of refugees...
The situation officially is now out of control. According to Turkish reports if they fully open the borders for one day, Greece will be overrun. Of course these threats from Erdogan aren’t really threats as the globalist Europhile Greek ruling class want to have an ‘external threat’ to justify their mass replacement migration agenda. They are over the moon ecstatic the new government has started the ball rolling picking up where Syriza was forced to provisionally arrest the flows.
Greece has many islands in the Aegean and Crete which is directly above Libya and a few islands like Lampedusa. Not all islands are targets for migrant blow in NGO’s but all islands will become targets once ND completes its demands to send migrant blow ins in all the 13 regional prefectures of Greece, two of which weren’t included Crete and the Peloponnese.
The only problems they have in their plans aren’t the plans but the reaction of local citizens and whether they are able to forestall this UN Agenda. So far due to the total collapse of any political response by any parties inside and outside Parliament, the demands required have been lacking the desires of many. Since the early 2000 when these agendas started to creep in quietly affecting Athenian neighbourhoods and then spreading to port cities like Patras, citizens committees have been defeated on the ground by a type of stalemate that saw Greeks getting involved in ‘white flight’ from the worst areas until the big change in 2015, catalogued in my book Mass Replacement Migration: The Example of Greece
Will this time round be any different and will Greeks be able to take their country back? For the first time in more than one area Greeks have mentioned arming themselves for what is coming but also we have seen the army directly involved in the UN Agenda. Almost no political forces have demanded Greece leave Schengen or Dublin 3 or the EU. They were all ecstatic with the rise of Syriza as they assumed the issue of Grexit was postponed indefinitely and into the future. The previous government did everything in their power to sell off Greek heritage agreeing to the political transvestites of the banana republic of Skopje-Soros that the name Macedonia is no longer Greek. Just as they thought they had cut the deal of the century and were gushing in receiving awards for the mass replacement migration agenda and the Macedonian issue it all came to a halt.
Now they are using the Aegean islands which have filled up in order to empty them and pass the buck onwards to central Greece. So we have two reactions, those on the islands and those in mainland Greece. Islands such as Lesvos, Chios, Kos, Samos, Simi, Leros are being overwhelmed and areas on the mainland are being flooded. Once the obviously know they will be relocated under Navy and Commercial Fleets then more and more will come. Migrant detention centres with capacity for 3,000 are already reeling with 20,000 and local rivers have been turned into literal shitholes as nothing can accommodate this large number of people.
News reports of reaction on Greek mainland:
Mouriers Kilkis
Residents want to arm themselves against the criminality of the migrants.
Ethnos 5th November 2019
Romanos Kontogiannides
Allegations are being made that there is widespread use of drugs and local residents are being harassed. They want to get shot guns to defend their personal integrity also their properties from criminal elements amongst the 300 migrants dumped in the area living in a hotel in the area, the village of Stathmos Mourion of the Kilkis region where 800 citizens live.
Citizens want to start their own self-defence units in the night hours so they can block any new criminality. They will decide that on Sunday in a village meeting.
Newsreports as stated to Ethnos gr there is fear in the village as houses get burgled frequently, the use and distribution of drugs right in the village square, the violent fights between migrants with little kids seeing it, bothering young Greek girls. Not long ago migrants attacked a resident and took his mobile phone right in the village square.
The residents assert that they feel totally helpless by the State despite them making reports to the police which does not intervene to impose order. “What the state does not do inevitably the residents will do. No one can stop this despite us being against this. We want the islands to be released from the pressure but here we are talking about 300 migrants arriving in town of 500. We have shown our humanism when we looked after 2,300 citizens when they first came in 2015. We have now reached our limits stated the Mayor of Kilkis Dimitrios Kiriakidis
In Mouries fear and desperation dominate said the citizens.
Criminality has gone through the roof since last spring and everyone is frightened in case something bad happens. “They use drugs inside the square they target houses where old people live or they come only at the weekends to commit criminality, they bother young women in the streets and they do abusive hand signals. Girls are frightened coming home at night from cafeterias. They attacked a villager in broad daylight in the square and took his mobile. Everyone is frightened in the town and I believe we will arrive at the situation guns will come out. Reactions will be great if there is a murder committed or a rape. There is fear in our town and the Police turns the other cheek. Its not women and children that live here. Many are migrant men and they appear to be dangerous. We have already decided at night to have foot patrols’’ as reported to ethnos gr by George Makridis representative of the citizens of the town.
The problem isn’t that they steal products from our farms. The problem is the criminiality the use of drugs right in front of our children’s eyes and the vulgarity. At the market the other day my 16 year old daughter was sexually abused right in front of their mother. In the children’s play area some people were beaten up really badly right in front of the eyes of children who were totally shocked. From the 300 migrants in the area around 200 are the scum of the earth. From the moment we have no protection from anyone we are thinking about getting armed. We are also of migrant stock ourselves and we accepted them 1.5 years ago with open arms. But events took a bad turn last spring. Many aren’t refugees, they are criminal elements’’, as reported by Nikos Panagiotidis a town resident.
The reaction of local residents in various parts of Greece
In the last two weeks in many local communities in Northern Greece we have had reactions, mobilisations and turmoil from citizens who are against the arrival and presence of migrants in their areas. What kicked it off was the night of 23rd October in Vrasna Thessaloniki when 150 citizens cut off the main roads into Vrasna blocking the migrant buses arriving with more than 200 on board, originating from Samos and the police organised manoeuvres to bypass the road blockades.
Reactions by Greek citizens on the mainland
A few days later after the Public Council of Serres it produced a vote which provoked reactions for the peaceful and negative characterism of those demanding asylum as ‘investors’ and for the reasons being the change in the demographic character of the area due to the mass arrival of migrants. Two unions of citizens were called forward to have demonstrations Brasna style in the case of migrants arriving en masse in the area.
Demonstrations in against ‘illegal immigrants’Also in Methoni Pierrias we had meetings infront of the statue of Phillip B with the slogan the blocking of the ‘illegal occupiers’ as they characterised them.
Citizens blocked migrant busesThe police had to divert the buses down side streets to get them to the hotels.
A wine producing region
On 5th November in Naousa it was reported migrants would be arriving creating a demonstration of local citizens who wanted to block buses which would transport them. When the realised there were no buses coming they went outside existing hotels where they are being housed and shouted slogans.
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