
Thursday, 30 January 2025

The Trump Effect Arrived in Greece

Despite the advances in telecommunication and the pervasive strength of the globalist MSM the Trump Effect has finally arrived in Greece. What do I mean by that isn't a change in politics by Greece's hyperglobalist politicians but an attempt to cater to a new set of leaders beyond the large Atlantic pond.

No European country can have a truly independent foreign policy as they are all neo colonies of the US Empire since WW2 ended. As such the desires/needs of the USA take priority after all they pioneered post war globalization as a reaction to domestic turbulence as a consequence of the Vietnam War...

The post 2008 crash turned Greece into a fully fledged banana republic with two distinct masters the EU and the USA (via the IMF). Political turbulence rocked the country for five years (2010-15) whilst at the same time wages and pensions were cut by almost 50% across the board mass emigration of around a million people and the mass importation of new migrants as well.

What characterised the last decade was the almost identical political positions of Syriza and New Democracy on a range of issues: Prespes Agreement, privatisations, climate change, woke cultural issues like gay marriage and the promotion of genders etc so it's it's a running joke to hear New Democracy allege there are only ...two genders and that is what they believed all along....

The decade hiatus of social struggles bar the massive protests in 2019 over the Macedonian issue seems to be ending. The NATO engineered train crash that killed 57 Greeks in 2023 seems to be a catalyst for new popular mobilisations to overthrow the Mitsotakis regime.
Break up of Syriza
The electoral defeat of Syriza a few months after the Tempi train crash set in motion after the resignation of Alexis Tsipras a downward spiral that led to the creation of 3 parties and many departures and the arrival of a new US clown by the name of Kasselaki who alleges he is in a gay relationship with an American nurse Tyler.

No one actually knows or has yet to find out in what way the 3 splinter groups have different politics or why they had a bust up but the old adage of once a lid in a boiling pot is removed too quickly, water goes everywhere comes to mind.

Mitsotakis TV interview
Mitsotakis was interviewed on TV after the large memos 'We will search what was in the other carriage despite Hellenic Trains asserting there was no fuel...Kouli alleges I am not covering up anything....I only go along with what they told me, now what I know I would not have said what I said'. We will not stop the investigations, they cemented the area in good faith I do not know everything...if there are parties that are weaponising the event that is another issue. The Minister of Transport resigned at the time"

The issue now is how come the MSM which has been fanatical supporters of Kouli all the time in particular with the Lockdown Junta he inaugurated suddenly is turning on Mitsotakis; We all know the leadership in Germany is changing and there are rumours of an end to the Ukraine war in the next months. 

Mitsotakis as a true lapdog nailed his political views to the hyperglobalist mast:  open borders, wokeism, gay marriage and adoption, Ukraine and Israel. He allows all and sundru to buy up property and land here and there has been a large influx of Zionists with no controls. He has emptied almost all the army coffers and shipped it to Ukraine.

What characterised the authoritarian regime is that it is a yes man to all: if Turkey makes demands we in agreement, if Germany also and if the USA we can never say no.

It appears Pyatt tenure in Greece set the upgrading of US bases in particular in Alexandroupoli to have the possibility to bloc the exit of Russian ships from the Black Sea and the Bosporus plus the creation of up to date LNG gas terminals in the Greater Athens region so the can arrive from the USA as well as the coercing of Greek ship owners to purchase many new LNG tankers with billions in overheads...

Now the regime in Washington has changed and the appearance of large scale demonstrations that cannot be curtailed they are preparing the downfall of the Mitsotakis regime and already set in motion both his successors (Foreign Affairs Minister Dendias and a Euro MP Latinopoulou) and for the centre left Kasselaki, a revamped Varoufakis and Zoi Konstantopoulou...

The issue is moving towards the last years of the decade and the coming defeat of Russia Greece remains within the confined of the EU and manufactured politicians of the 'left and right' or is able to go beyond that.

Tuesday, 9 April 2024

The People's Republic of Donetsk sends a message to the Greeks

The People's Republic of Donetsk sends a message to the Greeks

 Dear citizens of Greece! 

Over the past month, Ukraine's President Vladimir Zelenskiy has spoken in the parliaments of foreign countries almost daily. Greece is no exception. All these online performances are built to the same standards and have one aim: to hide the war crimes that the Ukrainian regime has committed for 8 long years against the inhabitants of Donbass and continues to commit to this day. President Zelensky and his accomplices are diligently manipulating the conscience of the public, as they understand that the moment is approaching. th they should be held accountable for their actions. This moment is inevitable. That is why they do not despise any method to simply prolong their existence in power. They use fabricated news of unimaginable ferocity, blatant lies. Alas, most European authorities have joined this campaign of total disinformation. As an example, one of the outrageous cases is the one with the Italian newspaper "La Stampa", which presented the missile attack on the centre of Donetsk by Ukrainian forces as a bombing of Kiev.

 From the new examples of the fake news in Kiev: the alleged mass execution of civilians by Russian troops in the town of Bucha, in the Kiev region. However, all Russian units left the city on 30 March. Moreover, on 31 March, the Ukrainian mayor of the city, in a video message, confirmed that there were no Russian soldiers in the city, but he did not mention anything about local residents, with their hands tied, dead in the streets. In addition, Ukrainian troops entered the city on April 1, on April 2 they announced that they are conducting purge operations against Russians, and it is only on April 3 that videos of alleged bodies on the streets begin to appear, which raise more questions than give answers. 

What is happening in Mariupol and how it is presented by the Ukrainian regime to the global community, goes beyond the bounds of cynicism. An entire staged performance was created on the territory of the maternity hospital in Mariupol, which was held by Azov's nationalist battalion. Actors, cameramen, photographers – an entire film crew – were invited to participate. But many participants in this action eventually admitted themselves that the nationalists forcibly expelled the women who were giving birth there and occupied the hospital to equip it as a firing position. 

But no word was heard from Ukrainian officials about the fact that this very "Azov" battalion held hundreds of thousands of people hostage – in basements without food, water, communications. Those who come out of Mariupol during the liberation of the city from the forces of democracy and Russia speak of gruesome murders, executions, torture, rapes. There are Greeks among these martyrs – representatives of this ethnicity, traditionally numerous in Mariupol, who also suffered from the atrocities of the nationalist battalions. 

 The fact that Nazism, which flourished in Ukraine, developed under the auspices of its authorities, is now carefully swept under the carpet. The West pretends that there is supposedly no Nazism at the state level and never existed. However, there is much irrefutable evidence that the Ukrainian leadership directly encouraged this process. Continuous is the revelation of orders to fighters of the "Right Sector", diaries, comics for children, insignia of officers, flags with Nazi symbols and emblems of the "SS" found in positions liberated by Ukrainian fighters, even signs of fanatical cruelty, such as swastikas engraved with fire on civilian bodies. 

 For anyone who has common sense, or at least knowledge of the events of 1939-1945, it is obvious that the Nazi virus spreading in Ukraine is very dangerous not only for that country itself, but for the whole of Europe. It has to end. 

 According to all the facts and procedures mentioned, you do not have to accept our words. We are not asking you to accept our word: we have enough evidence of the criminality and inhuman nature of the Ukrainian regime. We urge you to think critically, analyze the information and not blindly accept the special effects distributed by the Ukrainian regime, even if they are made according to all the rules of Hollywood technology.

 We call on the world to finally listen to donbass. There are 7 Representations of the People's Republic in European countries, including Greece. Several citizens who have the same opinion as us, through sources, are telling the truth about the events in Donbass, without propaganda or lies. Moreover, recently we have seen more and more people taking to the streets of Greece to support Donbass against the lies spread by Kiev. We express sincere gratitude to all the citizens in solidarity, our true friends, for this. 

 We are not trying to hide anything, we invite representatives of foreign media, journalists, bloggers to the Republic. Come, look with your own eyes at what is happening in Donbass and tell everyone who is ready to listen. This is the only way to stop the scourge of disinformation, falsehood and warmongering Nazism. The main weapon in this fight is the truth, for only the truth can be the way to peace.

Sunday, 7 April 2024

Ανολοκλήρωτη Παλινόρθωση-Τι Παίζεται στη Ρωσία;

Τι Περιέχει το Βιβλίο:  


Ανολοκλήρωτη Παλινόρθωση-Τι παίζεται στη Ρωσία σήμερα;   


Οικονομικά Ζητήματα της ΜεταΣοβιετικής Εποχής  


Κατάρρευση της  ΕΣΣΔ - Αναλύσεις και Στοιχεία  


Ο Πολυπολικός Κόσμος Γεννιέται: Κίνα και  Ρωσία   


Αρμενία - Καζακστάν - Πολωνία  


Η Κουλτούρα στη Ρωσία Σήμερα  


Ελλάδα Ουκρανία  


Οι Πεμπτοφαλαγγίτες εξαφανίζονται....που βαδίζει η Ρωσία;  


Ιστορικά Κείμενα Για Ρωσία  
















Η προσπάθεια της παλινόρθωσης του καπιταλισμού στην Ρωσία χάνεται πίσω στην ανάπτυξη της γραφειοκρατίας του κράτους απο το 1924 και έπειτα, αλλά όσο οι δυτικοί ιμπεριαλιστές έμεναν μακριά απο τα προνόμια αυτής της κάστας υπήρχε μια ισορροπία μεταξύ τους και η προσπάθεια έμενε στα συρτάρια της Ουάσιγκτον προς μελέτη και αποτύπωση. Κατά την διάρκεια των ετών είχαμε προσπάθειες οι οποίες έβρισκαν εμποδία ή δεν είχαν ωριμάσει οι συνθήκες και στην ίδια την Ρωσία για να συμβεί αυτή η μετάβαση, αλλά η προσπάθεια αυτή βρήκε πρόσφορο έδαφος   το 1989 με την αποσύνθεση και διάλυση της Σοβιετικής Ένωσης και ήταν και  αχαλίνωτη απο τους δυτικούς, και ειδικά όταν αποκαλύφθηκαν οι συνέπειες της στην Ρωσική κοινωνία αλλά και οι στόχοι για τις παγκόσμιες εξελίξεις και  για την θέση της Ρωσίας στον σύγχρονο κόσμο.    


 Ο Σοβιετικός ρεβιζιονισμός ολοκληρώνοντας της αποστολή του αυτοκαταστράφηκε και οι τελευταίοι ιθύνοντες της καταστροφής αυτής αφού πέταξαν απο πάνω τους την προβιά του ψευτοκομμουνισμού με την οποία καλύπτονταν, έφεραν στην επιφάνεια και στην ηγεσία εκφραστές της πιο άγριας μορφής του καπιταλισμού.    


Πηγαμε απ’τον μεταπολεμικο Ψυχρο Πολεμο σε μια περιοδο σχετικης ηρεμιας αλλα το προβλημα ηταν οτι ο ιμπεριαλισμος δεν μπορει να μεινει στασιμος και προσπαθησαν στις αρχες αυτου του αιωνα να εδραιωσουν μια παγκοσμια δικτατορια με πολεμους κυριως στη Μεση Ανατολη εως τη χρεοκοπια του 2008 και μετα τη δευτερη το 2019 με τον Κοροιδο. Την ιδια περιοδο η ανοδος της Κινας την εκανε τη νουμ 1 οικονομια στον κοσμο και η στρατιωτικη και η οικονομικη ενωση με τη Ρωσια τους εφεραν υποχρεωτικα στην θεση υποχωρησης της Αμερικανικης ηγεμονιας σε τετοιο βαθμο που η Αμερικη βρισκεται στα προθυρα ενος εμφυλιου πολεμου.   


Το βιβλίο αυτό θέλει να μας δείξει ότι οι προσπάθειες αυτές της δύσης αλλά και της γραφειοκρατικής ελίτ της Ρωσίας(στην προσπάθεια της για την διατήρηση των προνομίων της) έμειναν ευτυχώς ανολοκλήρωτες. Παρακάτω λοιπόν θα εξηγήσουμε γιατί έμειναν και με ποιους τρόπους τελικά τα κατάφεραν.   


 Το βιβλίο είναι οργανωμένο με θέματα τα αρχικά αναλύουν το θεωρητικό πλαίσιο της ανατροπής της πρώην ΕΣΣΔ και αυτό σημαίνει ολοκληρωτική ανατροπή των σχέσεων παραγωγής, τι παίζεται στις χώρες περιφέρειες της Ρωσικής Ομοσπονδίας, ιστορικά κείμενα γραμμένα στη δεκαετία του 1990 και την πρώτη πενταετία του Πούτιν και οικονομικά ζητήματα που αναδεικνύουν κατά πόσο έγινε η παλινόρθωση και πως εππιρεαζει ο πόλεμος της Ουκρανίας της σχέσεις με Ελλάδα.  


Φυσικά σε όλο αυτη την κατάσταση δεν είμαστε παρών στην ίδια τη Ρωσία πέρα και ξέχωρα ότι οι απόψεις μας μεταφερόταν εκεί διαμέσου Ρωσικης αγγλόφωνης ιστοσελίδας (www που δυστυχώς έκλεισε λόγω των κυρώσεων και ελπίζουμε πολλά από αυτά τα κείμενα να βοηθήσουν στη κατανόηση μιας πολύπλοκης κατάστασης η οποία έτσι και αλλιώς συμβαδίζει τόσο με τα συμφέροντα όσο με της ελπίδες του Ελληνικού λαού υπέρ της Ρωσίας πέρα και ξέχωρα την προφορική και ξεφτυλλισμενη στάση της ψευτο αριστεράς που είχε και το θράσος να κάνει πορεία κατά της Ρωσικής Πρεσβείας εκ μέρους των ΝΑΤΟικων γκάγκστερ...  


Δεν πιστεύαμε και ούτε πιστεύουμε ότι ολοκληρώθηκε το προτσές της καπιταλιστικής παλινόρθωσης πέρα και ξέχωρα τόσο της εξαγγελίες των πολιτικών αρχηγών της Ρωσίας των τελευταίων δεκαετιών όσο και το προπαγανδιστικό κεφάλαιο που προσπαθούσε να προπαγανδίζει η Δύση ότι ταχα 'γιναμε όλοι καπιταλιστες' και τελείωσε η ιστορία (Φουκουγιαμα). Και επειδή η ιστορία πάντα επαναλαμβάνεται αλλά ποτέ με τον ίδιο τρόπο ο φασισμός του σήμερα δεν μπορεί να είναι ο ίδιος με αυτών του παρελθόντος  


Ο Δυτικός καπιταλισμός διανύει την μεγαλύτερη κρίση στην ιστορία του και αυτό φαίνεται απλούστατα με τις δημοσιευμένες μελέτες των επιτελείων τους, να αφανίσουν την πλειοψηφια των ανθρώπων του πλανήτη και να πάνε προς την πλήρη αυτοματοποιηση. Φυσικά χώρες σαν τη Ρωσία και Κίνα αποτελούμε εμπόδιο σε αυτές τις επιδιώξεις και βαζισονται ακόμα στην προ χρηματιστηριακή εποχή που φαίνεται ολοκάθαρα στο κυνηγητό ολιγαρχων τόσο στη Ρωσία όσο στη Κίνα, πράγμα αδιανόητο στην ιμπεριαλιστική δύση.  


Η παγκοσμιοποίηση λοιπόν και η διάλυση των εθνών που προχωρημένο στάδιο αποσύνθεσης είναι η ίδια η ΕΕ και η ΗΠΑ (σε δευτερεύοντα φαση) και αυτό που είναι μπροστά μας είναι εμφύλιοι πόλεμοι των εθνών που θέλουν να επιζήσουν (χαρακτηριστικό παράδειγμα είναι οι αγροτικοί αγώνες στην ΕΕ που θέλουν ακόμα να παράγουν) και των εθνών που θα αφανιστούν απ'τον οδοστρωτήρα της 4ης Βιομηχανικής Αντεπανάστασης  


Ελπίζουμε η μικρή μας προσφορά να βοηθήσει να απαλλαγούμε απ' την ηττοπάθεια που πλήττει το λαϊκό κίνημα μετά την ανατροπή της ΕΣΣΔ και να δείξει ότι η χώρα του Οκτώβρη και τα οράματα και της ελπίδες που έδωσε το 1917 να ξαναβρούν το σωστό δρόμο της ιστορίας και εμείς μαζυ τους ...  

1 Μαρτίου 2024

Tuesday, 12 September 2023

From organised arson to organised floods…the Greek Lockdown Junta becomes the EU’s Posterboy for ‘climate change’.

From organised arson to organised floods…the Greek Lockdown Junta becomes the EU’s posterboy for ‘climate change’.
The climate change contract adopted on behalf of the WEF is proceeding at breakneck speed. What could not be achieved by other means ie removing trees gradually or reducing farming is done in an organised manner, behind the scenes, using all the latest technological development at their disposal from HAARP, DEW weapons, geoengineering and blowing up levees (Katrina style). In one summer Greece has lost its largest forest and one of its main agricultural producing areas.

PM Mitsotakis-better the devil they know
Despite all the signs to the contrary and despite the international accusations about gross corruption at all leves of government New Democracy under the leadership of PM Mitsotakis was ‘re-elected’ with a whopping 41% obviously with the hidden hand of electronic voting. This shock and awa tactic had as the aim to paralyse the remnants of a society devastated by a decade of EU-IMF therapy. Despite the mass protests over the train crash at Tempi the fake opposition did everything in its power to not oppose anything the government did. 

Due in part to the Turkish re-election of Erdogan (which the Americans did not want and they made their feeling felt with the massive earthquake they created) to change leader in Greece (which was on the cards) was suspended and it appears the reasons are clear enough. If the government never resigned for early elections after the biggest train crash in Greece and their criminal negligence at all levels why would they resign if they burnt whole swathes of Greece or flooded it? All that remains is a massive Turkish style earthquake which is probably used as a sword of Damocles over the quisling administrations to agree to anything and they do exactly that: agree to anything. Not that they have much hesitation either way....

Dadia Forest
Greeces largest forest which borders onto Turkey was destroyed by at least 60-70% by uncontrolled fires and there was tonnes of evidence of arson. It got so bad that certain locals arrested migrants who were involved in arson attacks and then they were arrested by the government for arresting the firestarters. Evidence of fire mechanisms inside the national park were extensive and there is no reason to dwell on it as it has been a feature of the last decades. Fires always start in inaccessible places when there is high wind. Nowadays with the laser and drone technology they have they can pretty much start a fire anywhere and at anytime. By starting it in multiple location points they can ensure the fire not only spreads but connects and no one can do anything about it. 

The anti-Russian path of the country has ensured as well that no help can come from Russia in relation to firefighting in Greece as they have the biggest firefighting planes. At the same time they did not ask for any help from their neighbours and let the forest burn for two weeks. This fits in neatly with Gates statements that there are too many trees on the planet and they have to get rid of them. The clowns in charge have even created blueprints for fake trees that inhale carbon dioxide (which is the number one enemy of all hyperglobalists aiming to remove/restrict life on planet earth). 

 Reminiscent of Hurricane Katrina 
Allegations by Citizens that sabotage has occurred levees were dynamited to flood the plains and the system that pumps out wastewater to the sea was shut down…. In other words an engineered flood. By doing so they are taking out a significant section of Greek agricultural production which according to government statistics reaches 5% of GDP. 

Speaking earlier this morning on a TV show, the plaintiffs' lawyer directly accused the local government of having broken the Enipeas dam in consultation with Climate Crisis and Civil Protection Minister Vasilis Kikilas, in order for the floodwaters instead of Karditsa to go to the surrounding villages, including Farkadona. If that is the case then the agricultural area was removed from production for a reason to ensure a shortage of food and to fulfill EU climate change ie net zero quotas.

"There was no intervention by the state apparatus in any dam in the area, which caused water redirection. Beware of fake news, especially when it concerns human lives," Kikilias said on September 8, at the flood briefing. 

How many are dead when the flooding of areas occured in the middle of the night? The govt only alleges 15 till today which is absolutely absurd.

Kikilias was the Health Minister in early on in Convid and also became Tourism Minister and was still tourism minister with the fires in the summer in particular the one at Rhodes.

Kikilas then became Climate Change Minister and the fires and floods occurred under his current stint. He was an ex-Basketball player who was in the Lions club that pushed him forwards to become political with close links to the USA…
What Thessalia which got flooded produced irrespective of the animals (+100k) in the area many of which just drowned…. 
38% of Greek cotton 
52% of Tomatoes 
20% of Cows milk 
13.7% Goat’s milk 
40% Soft Cheese 
25% Hard Cheese 
18.5% Beef 
41% exports of milk-based products.

They are essentially another two such large areas one in Ilia in the Peloponnese and one in the Attiki region….

if the other two regions go Greece will become an agricultural desert, for the destruction in Thessaly must be the first large scale destruction on a european level of such magnitude taking into account they tried to close down one third of Hollands agricultural production and the government got overthrown. 

SKAI news chief political editor Portosalte: 'If PM can’t manage needs to resign', they are fighting about the divisions of the spoils as the pro-govt presstitute despite being the most ardent supporter of the system is concerned his direct boss didn’t get some govt contracts.
 At the same time he recently stated that the citizens should permanently leave from the flooded villages. So others presumably can buy up the land create parks for renewable energy and bigger US military bases…. 

 One can only remember another dark period of Greek history when the Germans were leaving they decided to burn down as many villages as possible and cause as much damage as possible. 

After being the poster boy for the alleged Euro crisis (which was magnified out of all proportion by those who had to prop up the dollar) now Greece has become the poster boy for the mad rush to net zero via the organised climate change catastrophes and it appears Tsipras resignation and the future appointment of an American Greek (Kasselaki) as leader of that party is being created to manage the fallout…

Evans Agelissopoulos 

Wednesday, 26 July 2023

Firebombing Greek Tourist Hotspots to Sell ‘Climate Change'

‘We would want to have more means to firefight but those we have are aplenty’ 
PM Mitsotakis 24/07/23 

Having driven everyone mad with a non-existent permanent heatwave the Greek globalist govt elected in the same manner as Biden (via electoral fraud) is pushing climate change as the cause of all manners of ills and is selling Convid style Lockdowns. A day doesn’t pass without new measures being announced, eg closure of parks, not supporting children being at the beach between 1-5pm or taking out rubbish at the same time, or not allowing home deliveries to occur when the temperature hits +40c…

Burning Down Northern Evia
A couple of years ago massive swathes of a forest in Northern Evia was burnt to smithereens. Everyone at the time noted fire planes and the fire brigade didn’t turn up in a timely manner allowing the fires to burn without limits. The govt had already agreed to build massive wind farms alongside the mountain ranges of North Evia as they already have in the South. One understands the logistics of it that you need access to get to the top and with tonnes of trees in the way the cost quadruples. Without the trees in the way your problems are solved. So by getting rid of the forests you can blame climate change and the benefit is you can build wind farms that you have already agreed beforehand. 

During these fires the emphasis of the Mitsotakis govt was not to have any human casualties and this has been its raison d’etre in relation to what went on before (Syriza handling of Mati fires) so the forced mass evacuations and let peoples houses burn. Many people refused to leave and saved their properties and recently in the fires in Mandra, Attiki again fights broke out between the citizens and the police to ignore the orders. That is how the slogan PM ‘Mitsotaki Go Fcuk Yourself’ emerged and went viral that it became a football chant. 

In a recent speech in Parliament PM Mitsotakis stated that we have 3500 windfarms set up and we need to double it to 7000. In theory when they were first promoted on the islands the locals were going to get lower electricity bills but this went out of the window. Each wind turbine costs at least one million euros without the set up costs. The actual turbines destroy the ecosystem by not allowing pollination by bees as they cannot fly through let alone the amount of concrete needed for the base which destroys the natural contours of the mountain and the residue of collapsed wind turbines that end up in the mountain water streams we end up drinking. Of course local contractors make money on building the base of these wind farms and they promote the official line that they are there to help us. 

The myth for decades was the fires were done to build housing but that fell through in the decade of the Memorandums when all building work was stalled and by the fact that many of these fires were on mountain ranges and you would require helicopter access to get there. For years they blamed grannies for leaving a pizza on, for pine cones, for electricity substations, for cigaretters thrown by drivers in passing cars to justify massive fires when in reality they were all a product of organised arson. You can enforce climate change if you get rid of forests in the Attiki region which is what has occurred and then run articles that Athens will soon be like the Sahara desert…. 

The govt has paid lip service to the claims of organised arson which are now mainstream and cannot be covered up so the govt proposed a doubling of the investigative efforts of an arson team.
Self burning trees from the base!!

Why Rhodes and why Corfu?
 In order to gain maximum effect you target tourist areas that have global reach in terms of media and which areas are available those where British are so the BBC and CNN could re-broadcast people walking amid a backdrop of fires. No one asks how fires start now in the middle of mountain ranges and spread downwards? 

 Arson has been a feature of Greek fires not now but for at least 3 decades. The two most famous ones are the fires in the 2000 decade with tens dead over the Burghas pipeline deal which collapsed the Karamanlis govt and the recent ones in Mati in 2018 under the Syriza govt where over 100 died. Almost all reports that have emerged uncensored in the media point to organised arson. A Mayor of Karystos in Evia Island which also had a fire stated openly he saw three different locations of a fire start simultaneously. Subsequently airborne firefighters crashed killing two pilots in firefighting planes that are almost double the age of the young pilots. 

When we had the fires in the late 2000 decade and the Chief Firefighter was resigned by the Karamanlis govt for negligence, Papandreou as opposition leader came out in his defence and blew his cover when he stated the man had been trained by the FBI (ie a US spook) which shows a direct and close connection between the state entities in Greece and the big powers that manage it. Throughout December 2022 military exercises occurred in Rhodes. Who is to tell us they didn’t plant arsonist equipment that could be used when the wind is high and start fires in multiple locations (as this has been the feature of all the major fires). 

UK leading wind farm country

What happened in Lockdown? Lufthansa funded to not fly. Holidays targeted as a climate change event, which flying on a private jet is a non climate change event and gods holy work by the great and the good. There is some logic to that as quite a few planes take off and block presumably flight paths and the globalists who run the planet want their movement curtailed and their plan of 15m cities and electric cars that don’t travel more than 250 miles implies that you will be stuck where your work/live, whilst a globalist oligarchy will have total freedom of movement.

All the British tourist areas in 2021 were targeted when the Greek government in alliance with the British one blocked British tourists and places like Rhodes and Greece were empty. The propaganda effect for Convid was massive at the time. The big tour operators like TUI (German-British interests) were compensated and the employees maintained their winter unemployment benefits throughout the summer. Going on holiday was at your one risk as you could catch the deadliest disease ever! A cold on a summer beach with a beer or two in hand and off to the hospital you go if the rapid test proved positive.

Its no coincidence again then a TUI operated hotel was targeted in Lindos leading to a mass evacuation of 10% of the tourists currently residing in Rhodes. The Germans are the main exporters of the wind farms so if these mountain ranges on the islands are to accept them they have to be burnt. A double whammy which serves both agendas: climate change and renewable energy plus a reduction in tourism as one will be holidaying in moon style surroundings with no vegetation in the coming years. 

Where the current fire is where the windfarms are planned to go…

Now why weren’t other areas targeted where they are eg Balkan tourists like the Halkidiki peninsula or the global citizen tourists who frequent Mykonos or Santorini or Swedish tourists like in Kos? They couldn’t guarantee of course the global reach of the US/UK media networks and the selling of the climate change.

It appears the Mitsotakis govt has elevated himself into the position of global climate change advocate and is using the state entities to derail, undermine all firefighting efforts and has refused Russian help as he is more interested in supporting neonazi Azovists militarily and being on what he calls the ‘right side of history’ as opposed to Fukuyamas ‘End of History’ in other words with NATO till then end of time. 
'Climate change' champion chief arsonist Mitsotakis

‘Climate change’ is cornerstone of the WEF agenda. The gangsters that run the Greek government and the parties of the ‘opposition’ are administering this enforced change to the detriment of the citizens of the country, the wildlife and the fauna and flora.
Evans Agelissopoulos
26th July 2023