Greece 2020: Self organisation, Self arming, Revolutionary Repatriations

Almost all reports surfacing and almost all discussions by Greeks are now centred on how the nation can survive with the external direct threats of being flooded with millions of migrant blow ins from neighbouring Turkey. A real collapse of Greece will lead severe regional disruption and a collapse of major trade routes East to West due to the geographic position of Greece. The comprador Greek ruling class wants to integrate with Turkey to co-manage the Aegean and ensure Greeks are beaten down indefinitely and are destroyed as a nation. Without a nation at its core there is no possibility of any social gains or improvements.
Self-organisation Self-arming of Greeks
The day after the defeat of ND globalist hordes in Chios, Samos, Lesvos the ‘Guardian’ set the tone whose phantom reporter Helena Smith immediately set upον the peoples committees which are manning roadblocks and the skittle was taken over by EfSYN (Greek pro Syriza paper) and Bogiopoulos (KKE presstitute) characterising not the whole islanders (how could they) but individuals and self-appointed committees as being hidden Nazis etc. Without understanding whats happened to them they try to continue in the old format under new conditions and are failing abysmally. Why?
Lesvos historically was a ‘red island’ so selling ‘war refugees’ to them was easy when everyone politically sang from the same hymn sheet. There was an indication something else would happen but few picked up on it. When the NGO’s round occupying empty govt. buildings they extended it to the offices or space of the official union movement without realising that these offices are where a bunch of parasites now reside and in many regional areas the only ones who still play lip service to workers are those association with the KKE. When their Labour Centre was taken over in Lesvos they retook it with clubs and threw out the NGO’s. At the time the Greek Home office ‘anarchists’ who reside in Exarchia then went on a search and destroy mission trying to attack KKE militants for being ….anti-refugee.
Five years down the line after living through a subsidised illegal immigrant occupation of their islands which has made it impossible to have a basic right of free movement on the islands without the fear of theft, being mugged or raped one sees that the right of ‘free movement’ becomes the right to suppress the basic democratic rights of citizens in a county they grew up in and were born. Turning indigenous workers into a minority in their own country would not obviously occur without major eruptions and as such was the earthquake that hit the Aegean islands. This has already forced the government to not accept new migrant blow ins by the boatload despite them arriving in their tens of hundreds.
We have heard reports of NGO’s leaving the island of NGO warehouses being burnt of NGO’s being attacked. This was obviously a characteristic of every retreating occupying army they destroyed their tracks and traces. Without doubt in the not too distant future we will hear reports of their drug dealing, organ selling, torture and rapes after all when you dump a whole bunch of self-serving neoliberal lumpenised individuals from many nations, give them free food and nothing to do all day but watch porn inevitably you have created conditions of an internal prison but in open spaces where contact with the local population would always become adversary. We aren’t dealing here with real ‘war refugees’ those that show humility in their surroundings, aim to integrate or learn a new culture but an army of neoliberal fakeugees, who assume they will replace the host population as they have been told by the army of NGO’s that they are worthless, useless pointless.
One now sees how a real strike and a few protests lead a change in the balance of forces to the host nation and can clearly discern the contours which this path will take. If the anti-austerity protests of the first half of the decade led to the rise of Syriza and a stalemate, the next half of the decade saw an attempt at a state subsidised approach at replacing Greeks both by propagating they should all emigrate to greener pastures abroad or that the demographic collapse of the Greek nation should be arrested by bringing in tens of thousands of AfroAsian ‘school age’ children. By breaking the back of the Greek nation ie what binds a specific group of people in any given nation state they could then do whatever they wanted in whatever way they wanted.
One can also view the rebellion in the Aegean islands as the dying act of a nation in its death throes. That is also certainly the case. If this new decade does not lead to Greeks getting armed and remaining in popular committes to defend their existing way of life they will be unable not only to make any gains but to actually be able to exist within the realms of a society where gains can actually be made. The irony of history is that the Americanisation of Greek life led to its breakdown and the roots of this breakdown are that it can provide either the seeds of national renewal or disappearance.
Under pressure from the Aegean islands ND adopted a ‘nationalist’ line sending troops riot police, border guards, national guards etc. to defend the border with Turkey. Mitsotakis went on a walkabout tour and people came out to cheer the same people that would have been screaming at him for sending riot troops to the Aegean islands. Therein lies the contradiction, of a state which is solidly committed to mass replacement migration having to act in a manner with which it appears to be on the side of the nation it wants to dismember. This is a sign of weakness and creates a vacuum that inevitably gets filled. When one sees farmers sending their trucks there to defend the border and over the last years they have been mobilised many times over blocking the imports and exports of products for their sectional demands (ie reduction of CAP subsidies etc.) they bring a wealth of experience and mobilisation to any new situation. When one sees individuals turning up with their trucks and putting their beam lights on to show the paths and routes where the migrant blow ins may cross one sees that all these disparate groups are united with one aim. To close the borders. Enough is enough.
This obviously has a revolutionising effect on Greeks on the Aegean islands and they mobilise greeting the fakeugees on the coast telling them they not wanted. Once large enough numbers of people get mobilised over issues they would put their life on the line it implies the genie is out of the bottle and its difficult to put it back in. The general culture changes and the dictatorship of political correctness which was never particularly strong in Greece goes out of the window.
Pakistanis undressed Syrians being shot, boats being ordered to be sunk blow ins being teargassed etc. Creating a picture of a defensive Greek state for global circulation a tough new ‘nationalist’ PM who is so embedded in the in the globalist system of mass migration that many members of his family actually run migrant NGOs.
When we see alleged university professors writing a joint statement about mass migration and how planet AfroAsia needs to be housed and fed and when we see Greek lawyers taking Greece to court for allegedly suspending asylum for one month alongside Erdogan their cover has been blown.
Revolutionary Repatriations
To what extent are they going to be able to run the border show for internal and global consumption and for how long is the question under review. The only thing certain is that after the revolt in the Aegean islands it will be difficult for any government to re-package the same globalist propaganda regarding ‘war refugees’ and flood the islands to such an extent the Greeks are finally pushed out. The only prospect left for Greeks is to arm themselves and demand revolutionary repatriation and take back control of their destiny.
9th March
VN Gelis
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