‘We are here for the health of the people and their well being’ Mitsotakis Greek Premier
Governments and Oppositions all singing from the same hymn sheet.
An article appeared way back that the Chinese lockdown would last six weeks and today that this is being written no new cases of Covid have hit China and the circus of this virus is over at least there. So the Chinese shutdown ensured around two months of production ceased which is equivalent to between 10-15% of all production and if not everyone returned at once then this could increase.
They are already predicting around 25% of new unemployment and in Greece added to the official amount we are back once more to the levels of 2012 with the added difference that no one now can leave the country and go anywhere. All new measures will be passed provisionally and will then be attempted to become permanent. To get from A to B they will test people’s reactions, the extent to which they follow the rules and they have taken provisions to empty the prisons to add new clients who refuse to cooperate. Already we have a massive coordinated campaign by the opposition to attack the govts for not imposing the lockdown and adopting religiously the campaign Stay At Home and treat pensioners as pariahs. The old tactics of divide and rule.
In the first week of this campaign they emphasised that people should not be in the beaches or go to the parks, everyone should religiously wash hands every five minutes and wear silly masks. They have cancelled the Army Parade for Independence Day 25th March and they have asked all Church goers to abstain from the Church, measures which haven’t realistically happened ever. Of course all these measures are done for our health and safety as govts have that as a top priority in particularly when they allow homelessness to go through the roof, anyone to come into the country who is able to rob loot and steal primarily pensioners, and children to be fainting in class from hunger or the legions of unemployed who live on the margins of society. So the only logical explanation is that once the full extent of the measures are announced and implemented reaction will occur and then the quarantine measures will go out of the window overnight and announcements will occur that the virus has subsided. But the problem from the Greek point of view is that the weather isn’t identical to Northern Europe, or Northern Italy and to keep people in when temperatures reach 30c will be impossible. Divorces will skyrocket, children of a certain age will not be able to be policed…

Coffins attirbuted to Bergamo City in Lombardy Region but from the Lampedusa earthquake- Fake News in Greek Media
Presstitutes attacking the people on behalf of the Capitalist Lockdown.
The mass media of disinformation that gave us the fake 9/11, the fake WMD’s, fake ISIS, fake climate change etc. has now added the fake virus to control all reaction to collapsing capitalism. In the last two weeks there are daily attacks on ‘Greeks’ those who don’t follow the prescriptions of the collapse and stay in to commit voluntary hara-kiri and the irony of the situation is that the 150-200k migrants in camps who are living in third world conditions have never caught the alleged ‘virus’. It is only a phenomenon for Greeks.
So despite and apart from the 24/7 propaganda those that have lost their jobs wont easily be controlled by people with their verbal propaganda and only the club of the riot police can ensure the total lockdown continues. Already Lombardy is suffering a four week lockdown and then Bloomberg comes along with the Italian medical report and states 99% of victims have other ailments and are of a certain age and that is the area which in 2018 there were 100000 deaths so to rebrand a few thousand as dying of a …virus, which is the new plague, out to succumb millions is beyond a joke as now its officially also stopped spreading in China.
There was a unit of the now defunct paper Eleftherotipia that ran all the 17N fake terrorist group propaganda for a few decades and guess what it was called ‘the virus’, so the Greek media isn’t new to this type of bullshit. It is its bread and butter. It’s the same media that sold the IMF crisis as being the fault of the ‘lazy Greek’ the ‘plumber who didn’t issue invoices’ ‘the Mediterranean lifestyle’ etc. but not the overleveraged corporate banks or the financial oligarchy that runs the world.

People have changed the slogan Stay At Home and have written of the migrant blow ins We Will Enter your Homes
What will Mitsotakis do with the mass repossesions he inaugurated in April? The hotel industry will collapse if it loses this summers bookings and all associated trades leading to the question that will he then utilise the migrant blow ins to become hotel guests? Either which way shutting down business activity based on a false premise doesn't imply that when they cease this nonsense things will function as they did before.
Having now pumped in globally around $100 trillion since since the crash of 2008 they have outstanding derivative commitments to the tune of $60 trillion and whatever they do the stock markets they will continue to collapse and a capitalist lockdown will make everything worse. But the main reason they require it is socio political. In previous times in the past when there was a crash there were severe social disturbances in particular the Veterans March on Washington in 1932 which brought down Hoover and inaugurated Roozevelt's New Deal. But this was almost 100 years ago and US imperialism is in the doldrums, totally indebted, with military bases in 1,000 locations worldwide and a laughing stock being attacked abroad and unable to secure any military victories two decades now when it launched its unipolar path to total global control. Not only are the stock markets going to continue to collapse but the capitalist lockdown is an attempt to use the old medicine under new conditions by assuming people will Stay Home (‘Menoume Spiti’) and commit collective hara-kiri.
The Greek Premier via the paid presstitutes will announce a total lockdown which will be broken as it’s impossible to lock people in their homes 24/7 without having the army on the streets and with patrols everywhere. They don’t have the manpower nor the social forces anymore to impose it as the globalists are in their homes and frightened of venturing out as they believe they will catch a …virus. The last great crash exposed the fragility of global capitalism. This crash will collapse the states themselves as the old medicine of bailouts for banksters and Universal Basic Income for people will destroy the value of all money…
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