Thursday 1 August 2013

Parliamentary Committee on Mass Immigration 1993: The Left Knew

The Left knew there would be a massive problem in Greece they are co-signatories to this Parliamentary Committee (1993) both Syrizas predecessors Sinaspismos and the KKE. They didn't integrate or unionise the first thousands of illegals that arrived. They allowed through their leadership in unions for the situation to spiral out of control. We have now had riots in two major cities untold citizens committees being created on the issue and they are concerned alongside the Troika only about Golden Dawn, the retro fascist fake nationalists in order to give themselves a boost. When an indigenous working class is overrun by a similar number of illegals then a national question re-emerges. How one deals with this and what will happen next we leave to history. Suffice to say when Greeks are being killed on average 5 a month by illegals it wont be peaceful...

VN Gelis

Crossparty Parliamentary Committee
For the study of the demographic problem of the country and the presentation of proposals for their more serious confrontation.


Chairman Vasileos Sotiropoulos Argolida MP New Democracy
Vice President Vasileos Geratidisi Thessaloniki B’ COnstitutency PASOK
Secretary Manolis Drettakis A’ Dsitrict Athens MP, Sinaspismos

February 1993
The demographic Problem of Greece and the proposals for confrontating It

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In our country which has one of the lowest birth rates the demographic problmes takes important national characteristics which may threaten our national independence and territorial integrity

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In the National Committee we also discusees two further questions of Manolis Drettakis (12/279 and 14/2/86) plus proposal of laws of MP’s of PASOK ‘motivations for the confrontation of the demographic problem of the country’ on 7th and  28th November 1991.
Committee Members
1. Σωρηρόπουλος Βασίλειος
2. Ανδρακτάς Παναγιώτης
3. Βαρδαρινός Βασίλειος
4. Γεωργολιός Κωνσταντίνος
5. Κανελλοπούλου Κρινιώ
6. Καραγκούνης Ανδρέας
7. Μπακογιάννη Ντόρα
8. Πάλλη Πετραλιά Φάνη
9. Παπαγεωργόπουλος Ελευθέριος
10. Παπανικολάου Ελευθέριος
11. Τατούλης Πέτρος
12. Χωματάς Ιωάννης
13. Γερανίδης Βασίλειος
14. Κρητικός Παναγιώτης
15. Κωνσταντινίδης Ελευθέριος
16. Μπαλτάς Αλέξανδρος
17. Παπαδόπουλους Βασίλειος
18. Παπαθεμελής Στυλιανός
19. Πάχτας Χρήστος
20. Σμπώκος Ιωάννης
21. Δρεττάκης Μανόλης (ΕΑΡ) Sinaspismos
22. Κοσιώνης Παναγιώτης (ΚΚΕ)

The members of the Committee Andreas Bakoyianni Dora, Palli Petralia Fani were replaced later, due to them undertaking ministerial duties from the MP’s Theodoro Georgiadis, Dimopoulos Demetrios and Theodoro Katsiki whilst the position of the recently deceased in July 1992 Papadopoulos Vasiliou was received by the MP Skoulakis Emmanuel.

Pg 15
The repatriation of political refugees and the mass arrival of compatriots (Pontion and Northern Ipirus) with a correct political intervention will have positive results. The state should help them base themselves and work, not only in the city centres but also in the agricultural and semi-agricultural areas and to provide a new dynamic to many agricultural areas primarily in Northern Greece. The common cultural roots and Orthodoxy whouls help them adapt and assimilate into Greek society.

Particular attention should be place by the entrance and employment of tens of thousands of foreign immigrants legal (but mostly illegal) arrive in our country in the two last decades. Whilst the percentage of unemployment is around 8% in many sectors there is a lack of labour hands which has been covered primarily by foreign illegal immigrants.

With the illegal arrival of immigrants – mostly muslims from Afro-asian countries, Greece is being transformed into an area of receiving  immigrants which creates social economic problems (conflicts in the labour market, increase in tax evasion with many consequences in the national insurance coffers, an increase in criminality, movement of drugs etc.) and they cant adapt to Greek society due to the totally different culture of Islam, which isn’t simply a religion but a way of life...

Page 24
-The distance from the traditional forms of life and the arrival of events of social decay with the undermining of the principles of marriage, family life and children have a significant influence on the demographic issues.
-The highest form of individualism, the weakening of morality, drugs, AIDS and generally the social undermining and the world insecurity influence negatively the demographic problem.
-Future population development of Greece

Page 27
If the demographic indicators aren’t improved and the same indicators of birth in 1990 (1.4 roughly average children per woman) and if they don’t develop significant events (war, immigration) then the total population of the country in 2015 will be reduced by 500,000 people from todays numbers. The increase in these demographic indicators which started in 1985 creates severe problems of population  in our country. The empty spaces which are created cover by a larger part from Pontius and NothernIpirus but also from muslims from Asia and Africa and from others who illegally enter Greece  (and remain with a variety of fake conditions adding new problems)

Socialeconomic factors which influence the demographic problem

Demographic consequences

Page 30
Our country with the dramatic reduction of births in the last decade has the possibility of big dangers (which are being intensified due to the geographical position and the lack of cooperative peoples);
-The reduction of births in the 1980’s decade whereby the indicators fell from 2.09 children per woman to 1.4 in 1990, threatens quite severely the re-birth and continuation of our Greek race.

-The demographic gaps which are created in various geographic areas (Aegean islands, Ionian etc) have as the danger to be occupied by immigrants (mostly Muslims) with sever endless consequences.
-In the armed forces we will create serious problems with the lack of numbers of those in the armed forces.

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If for the  re-birth of our labour dynamic and generally the course of our economy and our social security we are based on the immigrants from Asia and Africa very soon we  will have serious  problems of social and national

Aims of Greek Demographic Politics - Proposals

Pg 36
-To emphasise at every available moment Greek tradition and religious feeling (practically with proposals of the Church)

Administrative measures

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-The illegal and easy entrance of illegal immigrants from countries of Asia and Africa either directly or via other countries of the EU must be observed closely for many socialeconomic and national reasons. There must be severe control regarding the legality of the entrance in our country and the legal presence and employment.

Athens 10th February 1993

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