Thursday 5 November 2020

Greek CovidClown Parliament in the Service of FrancoGerman Lockdowns

Greek CovidClown Parliament in the Service of FrancoGerman Lockdowns

Having locked down the economy for almost three months and half heartedly opened the tourist economy by doing all to sabotage it, week after week the Greek CovidClowns egged on by the ‘opposition’ are implementing the Great Reset at breakneck speed. By shutting down whole swathes of the economy which aren’t linked to the fiat currency financed stock market big companies thousands will go to the wall creating once more mass unemployment.
First time round the belief in the CovidCoup worked as the propaganda was 24/7. Tens of thousands were dying daily and hourly and the propaganda took its toil in particular once the fake Left adopted the ‘pandemic’ in its May Day social distancing circus in Sindagma Square. It's true that instead of ‘flattening the curve’ they flattened the economy, peoples lives and created a vast schism in society between the different generations as everything was done to 'save the olds' . When in reality most of the olds dying were either in care homes or of such advanced age with underlying ailments that they would have passed away anyway, now the flu seems to have gone on vacation because of Covid-1984. 

Protests Against Covid
In mid-September once the government announced masks for schoolchildren during lessons from the age of four (soon to be extended to those at birth) and recently added a condition that they are to be worn at breaktimes as well when kids might run around. Already 2-3 children have died and the autopsies are kept hidden and many more will, not that it leads to any concern as the one sided govt propaganda is that masks work, even when they don’t.

Protests occurred in quite a few cities lasted for 2-3 weeks and were taken over by school student occupations which at their height reached nearly 1,000 schools but with the only political force available (KKE) they were derailed to sterile demands of more teachers, more cleaning, less pupils in a classes in other words demands so unrealistic, where it would have been better to ask for aliens to arrive to save us. Only because Greek schools are never staffed properly, around 40% have to share facilities in morning or evening schedules, cleaning is a pipedream and the idea that one can fit 15 students to a class only aids the Gates Stay Home learn through the internet agenda of total social isolation to create the humans of the future – alienated anti-social automatons. 

New Local Lockdowns building for one Big Indefinite One 
Once those in power become accustomed to power and realise they have everyone in support and the type of politics are those where they are egged on by the opposition to pretend (regarding the dangers of Covid) and extend (indefinitely Lockdown) they are playing chess by themselves and control all the pieces. 

The problem is that this year they will have destroyed a lot of businesses as they will have been closed between 4-8 months depending on the business and having refurbished their outlets for ‘covid secure measures’ they are asked to shut down again. The irony of the whole situation is that all the companies of a certain size which are listed on the Greek stock exchange are subsidised with their shares propped up by the actions of the central banks. So in an economy where sales are down anywhere between 50—80% one would expect that to be reflected in the share price of the aforementioned companies, but it isn’t. We have entered a new phase of state subsidised corporate capitalism where capitalist Lockdowns now work to wipe out the middle man.

The government has also extended via dictat for the public sector 50% to work from home in areas where they can and they have now adopted UK style genocide programmes for those in hospitals stating openly they will reduce all operations by 80%. Having paid employees a furlough amount of E534 and given business almost 0% loans many small businesses had some money to tide them over and weren’t overly concerned. But when the tourist season didn’t kick off as the government kept on blocking countries from arriving and now they have imposed a second Lockdown on spurious grounds questions are starting to appear.

Out of the blue some ex-winner of fame story a Petrakos became an almost household sensation questioning the statistics of Covid and was immediately branded a heretic or conspiracist, the new catchphrase by the globalists in power and their supporters. To sell the narrative of the Covid pandemic they moved from deaths to ‘infections’ based on PCR tests that show no such thing and organised state employees as in Thessaloniki to queue in their hundreds to get tested to justify a Lockdown.

New Bankruptcy Law
      Premier Covid-1984 Clown R US

PM Mitsotakis needs to show that he is more Covid-1984 than the WHO himself and shut down the economy once more whilst repeatedly saying he wouldn’t. Who didn’t go bankrupt in the first wave will go in the 2nd and if anyone is still standing we will have a 3rd and 4th wave until no one is, apart from the big boys.

If globalisation gutted out the working class and immiserated the middle class making it financially dependent on big monopolies either via work or via the banking system they are now putting into to place the measures to reduce homeownership to zero. In fact any type of ownership.

Not having been able to take peoples homes via the first three IMF backed MoU they have now put into place the legal capacity to do so. If you owe money to any financial institutions for whatever reason they can proceed to personally bankrupt you and anything in your name goes to them. You can then proceed to unbankrupt yourself twelve months later after having been made of course homeless.

The brave new world of ‘owning nothing’ but having the right to use services etc. is what they are after making you totally dependent on your actual existence on the corporations. Knowing of course that this will lead to a massive rise in homelessness and disease on the streets they will then proceed to vaccinate you as you are deemed a danger to public safety and send you packing to your maker a lot earlier in unattended funerals where you are cremated, so no cause of death can every be ascertained. Rebranded Mengele style fascism for the modern age.

Pseudo Opposition
KKE anti-social distancing May Day Parade

Both Syriza and the KKE have pushed for more Covid-1984 measures than the government themselves and have essentially argued like the rest of the globalist LockDown Left that the new style enclosure acts of post-industrial capitalism should have gone into effect probably a decade ago just to …save lives. 

The argument is so absurd that any capitalist government is actually concerned about peoples health and the Greek one in particular which in the last decade left cancer patients without medicine and closed down whole swathes of the medical service by reducing funds massively. Instead of highlighting the fraudulent turn of the government which went from Covid-1984 deaths to Covid-1984 positives as a justification of combating the …2nd wave when in reality what is being attempted is across the board financial restructuring of the economy to ensure it becomes a part of the global cog of the Great Reset ie the Fourth Industrial Revolution whereby only around 10% of people are kept alive to service a small stratum of financial oligarchs.

Tsipras went with actors dressed as nurses to Thessaloniki and stated we don’t want another Bergamo in Greece justifying extended Lockdowns 

 The merging of all segments of the ‘opposition’ with the government leads to a vast collapse in all politics, culture, debate and a new totalitarianism.

When Premier Mitsotakis called all pandemic sceptics deranged conspiracists attacking vast swathes of the population who don’t buy in the narrative a departure occurred as it implies the setting up of Covid-1984 witch-hunts with the difference being this time the active participation of the fake left. 

To what extent this is possible without spontaneous rebellions and conflicts is hard to predict or imagine as the Covid-1984 measures of random fines for eating and drinking without a mask on in the streets  in cars or on the beaches shows the absurdity of the situation. The only thing for sure is that history hasn’t ended.

VN Gelis