Sunday 28 October 2018

Soros Gate Hits Syriza

Anyone who has ever seen a blocked drain overflow notices the hard pieces of faeces breaking apart into ever smaller and smaller pieces. This is currently the state of affairs of the so-called ‘first time left’ Syriza ANEL government. The knives are out turning it into a Tarantino style shitshow for all to see.

The Defence Minister Kammenos who is the leader of a misnamed party ‘Independent Greeks’ went to one of his jaunts to America or was called and came back and forced the resignation of NATOs premier Greek Foreign Minister Kotzias the architect of the Prespes Agreement between Greece and FYROM. This after the failed FYROM referendum and after the ridiculous parliamentary vote of 80/120 in FYROM agreeing to constitutional changes to implement the Prespes agreement which by all allegations occurred by bribing MPs.

Minister Kammenos – Beach whale goes swimming and in freefall like the Syriza-ANEL govt

At a government meeting it is alleged that Kammenos stated openly that Syriza is on the payroll of Soros and in particular that Kotzias uses hidden reserves of the Foreign Ministry to cut deals and negotiate on behalf of the Greek government. He went even further stating that Syriza (a government he is part of) has taken million of Euros to facilitate the mass replacement of the European populations via mass migration, which by all accounts is a Trump line. This implies what is going in the USA has now hit Greece openly. One must also add that in Kotzias grouping that joined Syriza called Pratto was the ex-Minister of Migration Tosca who also jumped ship not too long ago.

Taking into account these allegations occurred in secret and we have no transcript or subsequent pronouncements by Kammenos it implies that Kammenos was going to leave the government and force Syriza into a coalition with another party in Parliament so instead of turfing Kammenos out, Kotzias resigned and then appeared on Greek tv crying like a child who lost his access to the sweet jar. This is the same clown who was holding hands with the Turkish foreign minister and singing ‘we are the world’ at a NATO conference in Istanbul.

NATO Drug and Gun Running R Us… Kotzias singing ‘We are the World with the Turkish Foreign Minister in 2016

So we have the ridiculous situation of one Government Minister being accused of lying about bribes by statements made by the ex-Foreign Minister of Greece and him not being forced out, but the opposite occurs and for Tsipras to take over the Foreign Ministry and to announce the Prespes deal is still on course and will be fulfilled. Which begs the question? Why did Kammenos allegedly mention bribery via Kotzias interview? Clearly to block any attempts on getting him on the same issue as after all any Defence Minister in Greece works on kickbacks. If they move against him he will go public with the allegations and bring the whole Syriza shitshow to a grinding halt.

A CC member of Syriza Panos Trigazis (another clown graduate from the London School of Economics) wrote a piece today alleging the Soros connection is like the ‘Zionist jew’ connections behind every bank, in other words Soros isn’t involved in Balkan politics nor does he have any influence. Trigazis writes that ‘conspiracy theories are magnified in particular in far right circles’ but says nothing about NATO’s drug running, migrant smuggling and bombing of Greek areas (Mati) where 100 died officially in the summer although it could be much more. Trigazis says nothing about NATO expansion into Greece as they relocate from Turkey. He states that many problems that existed are assigned to Soros in the Balkans but by implication there is no proof, as with the demands for changing the name of that Republic from Titos era. In a nutshell western imperialism wasn’t involved in the break up of Yugoslavia. The same type of rubbish they alleged they had with the arms embargo on the KLA, which didn’t exist. Trigazis continues his support for Soros stating the following:

“Unfortunately the name of the financier has been involved in the conflict with Kammenos – Kotzias with the aid of the Minister of Defence. Returning from America Kammenos made unbelievable declarations on the government channel ERT “that Soros has distributed billions for Macedonia”. That implies that the Prespes Agreement is a work of Soros and not the elected governments of both countries. Conspiratism grew after the agreement reached FYROMs government….” P Trigazis FB page 28.11.2018

Trigazis old man to the right fighting cuts whilst implementing them…
Trigazis is a such a globalist fool that he praises the fact that the Albanians in FYROM aren’t no longer classified as a minority but have equal status within the state there criticising ex-PM Samaras for stating the obvious that it was only Albanians who voted for the Referendum en masse. In other words very soon having filled up Greece with migrant camps Syriza will support equal status to any tom dick or harry that happens to be present in Greece. Anything short of that would be …racism, fascism, islamopohobia etc.

The man is such an idiot that he doesn’t realise equal status can equal an equal divorce. Why remain part of FYROM when they can join with Albania proper and break away Kosovo from Serbia creating their long lost pipedream of a ‘Greater Albania’ (another oxymoron as anything Great and Albania in a single phrase is an abuse of language)

By taking on board the Foreign Ministry Tsipras can use as a bargaining chip if it fails his government falls and do they want the instability a year before they disintegrate anyway? Either which way what happens next hinges on what happens in the US mid-term elections. If Trump emerges triumphant the Prespes deal sinks in Prespes, if he doesn’t win fully and a similar type of situation continues any number of things may be the outcomes.

Either which way agreeing to bring identity theft into the mainstream creates even more problems than before. Two sets of people are going to claim the same identity over the same piece of land, practically it cannot work nor does it imply one set ain’t going to make demands on another. The only thing that is certain is that this is a real Balkan shitshow engineered in Deep State Washington and Brussels and it will unravel even more.

Taking into account the day today being the anniversary to the OXI invasion of Greece by the Axis Powers this piece is dedicated to all those who died fighting for the Independence of Greece throughout history from the small amounts of people that said OXI to the Persian invasion, the 400 Year old Ottoman Occupation, the dark years of Axis and Allied invasions of Greece during WW2 and its aftermath and the US backed colonels coup. Our day will come again.
VN Gelis
28th October 2018